Privacy Policy


Cryptokens (hereinafter — "we", "our" or "us"), pays particular attention to protection of confidentiality of our users (hereinafter — "users" or "you"). In your Policy of confidentiality (hereinafter — «Policy») methods of collection of information we use are described, including personal information you give or which is collected by us on our web-site - (all together — "Service") as well as methods of storage and use of such information and handling with it. Please, be informed, that the area of application of this Policy is limited by information collected and received by the Cryptokens with your help of the use of this Service.

Using the Service you express your consent with this Policy of Confidentiality and give your consent on collection, transmission, manipulation, storage, disclosure and other types of use of your information as described in the current Policy of Confidentiality. Notwithstanding the fact where you live or from which country you give information you transfer to us the right to use information in any country where we work, including your personal data according to the rules stated in this Policy. If you do not agree with these conditions, please, do not use this Service.

Information Collection


We can automatically collect definite information using "Cookies". Cookies are small files of data which are stored on the hard disc with assistance of the web-site. Besides all other, the use of cookies helps us to improve the site and your experience on our Service. We use cookies in order to see which areas and peculiarities of the Site are more popular in order to calculate the number of computers which have access to the site, to improve your experience of using the Service and to remember your preferences.

Further, use of cookies and other technologies may allow us and third parties to collect information about User browsing activities over time and across different Websites following use of Service.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. If your browser does not accept cookies or if you do not allow access, your access to functional or services can be limited.

Purpose and Use of Personal Information

Disclosure to Third Parties

Except as provided above, we do not sell, rent, licence or otherwise disclose your Personal Data to third parties, and only our authorised personnel who have signed written obligations of confidentiality are permitted to access your securely kept Personal Data in order to provide the services that you are using or have requested for from our company. We are careful in our selection of third party service providers, and all such third party service providers are bound by obligations of data protection (pursuant to contracts and/or applicable laws) similar to the obligations herein this Privacy Policy. In general, the third party service providers engaged by us will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us.

Without limiting the generality of the above going, your virtual currency wallet address will be exposed when you use any of the token swap functions available via hyperlinks on our Website, and some of your Personal Data may also be shared with the third party providers of such swap functionalities and protocols pursuant (or in relation) to your token swap transaction. Your usage of identity protection technologies (as may be made available by third parties) should ideally protect your identity from being disclosed to the public. Nonetheless, please note that the third party token swapping and identification protection functionalities made available, hyperlinked to, or referenced to on our Website does not constitute our association with or endorsement of the third party providers of such functionalities or vice versa. Accordingly, we cannot provide any guarantees or warranties howsoever pertaining to any of the third party token swapping and identification protection functionalities made available, hyperlinked, or referenced to on our Website. Your usage of such third party token swapping and identification protection functionalities is also governed by the third parties’ respective terms and conditions. In addition, such third party providers may also collect and use your Personal Data as per their respective privacy policies. Please read carefully and consider whether the third party’s terms and conditions are acceptable to you before you commence usage of any such third party token swapping and identification protection functionalities as may be made available or referenced to on our Website. Should you have any concerns regarding the potential collection, exposure, transfer and/or use of your Personal Data by any such aforesaid third party providers, please do not use their apps/widgets/plugins/extensions/protocols until you have clarified with the relevant third party provider on its privacy policy and terms of use.

You are advised to not utilizing Cryptokens to obscure transactions or assets in any way. Law enforcement has full access to blockchain information with respect to VCs that go in or out of Cryptokens’s system. You accept that Cryptokens will comply with all legal requests for information and reserves the right to share the information shared by You in its sole discretion.

The Rights of Users

Data Security

Cryptokens will take all commercially reasonable measures for protection of your information from unsanctioned access, losses, use for the purposes other than intended as well as unsanctioned modifications by the third parties. Notwithstanding the fact that we do everything depending on us in order to store information received from the users of the Service in the safe area, access to which is limited, we cannot guarantee absolute security of information in the course of its transmission via Internet or its storage in our systems. Furthermore, though we try to provide integrity and security of our networks and systems we cannot guarantee that measures of security we use will prevent from penetration of hackers of the third parties for the purpose of receipt of unlawful access to this information. We do not guarantee and do not confirm that your information will be protected from the loss, from the use not as intended or from unsanctioned modification by the third parties. There is no method of data transmission via Internet or electronic storage of data which provides its 100% protection. For this reason we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Access to Personal Information

If your personal information was changed or if you do not want to use our Service, you can correct, update or delete inexact data having made necessary modification in the settings of your profile or having addressed to e-mail: [email protected].

Data Storage

We will store your information until your profile remains active or as required for provision of services. If you want to cancel your profile or if you want us not to use your information to provide you with services, connect us by e-mail: [email protected].

We will store and use your information according to necessity of execution of legal obligations, dispute regulation and realization of agreements.

Notification of Changes

We can review this Policy of confidentiality for the purposes of reflection of modifications in our principles of work with information. In case of introduction of any considerable changes we will inform you about it by e-mail (e-mail indicated in your profile) or by posting of this announcement on this Site before these modifications come into effect. We recommend you to visit occasionally this page in order to learn the latest information about our principles of confidentiality preservation.

Our Policy with Respect to the Children

We do not execute voluntary collection of personal information at children aged under 18, do not ask for it and do not allow them to use our Service. If you are under 18, you should not give information about yourself, particularly, your name, address, telephone number and e-mail. For the persons under 18 it is forbidden to give personal information. If we get to know that we collected information from the child aged under 18, we will immediately delete such information. If you consider that we could receive any information from the child or about the child aged under 18, please, contact us by e-mail: [email protected].

Refusal from Receipt of Marketing Messages

You can refuse from receipt of our advertising or marketing electronic messages. You can do it having executed instructions which are given in such e-mails or having written to the e-mail: [email protected]. If you refuse from receipt of such marketing e-mails, we can continue sending you e-mails with non-advertising content concerning your profile or our continuing business relations.

Cross-border Data Transmission

We can transfer information collected by you to affiliated companies or to the third parties beyond the country of your residence or your jurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions globally. Please, be informed, that in these countries and jurisdictions there can be no law of data protection similar to current laws which can exist in your jurisdiction and we take measures in order to provide adequate protection of data in the course of its transfer to other countries and to provide the use and disclosure of information about you including your personal data according to the principles stated in this Policy.

Contact Information

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy should be addressed to [email protected].